Tim Seymour


Tim Seymour



LEVEL: Mastery


As Owner of Profit First Professionals UK I am responsible for the whole community of UK Based Certified Profit First Professionals. And I still work with a handful of Small Businesses directly myself. So, who better to help you directly with your business than me?

I ran an Accountancy Practice for 17 years making many mistakes most, if not all, Small Business Owners make along the way, that is until I found Profit First and became a Certified Profit First Professional. This changed, not only my business, but my life! I was able to transform my business and I sold the Accountancy side off in June 2021 for a large profit enabling me to transition into Coaching Small Business Owners in the Core Areas of Success in their Business - Implementing a successfully proven strategy for managing the Cash, increasing Profits & helping the Business Owners earn more money and spend less time working in their business.

Want to learn how you too can do this in your business?


My most popular offering is The Profit Programme, a 3 month programme where you receive 12 x 1-2-1 Sessions with me, not a member of my team, me! This programme revolves around implementing Profit First in your business but is also tailored throughout the sessions to suit you and your requirements. For those that have a small budget I also offer another popular product which is a Profit First Implementation Plan in which I produce for you a detailed report on how you've been handling the cash in your business, provide a detailed plan for you to follow and a worksheet to help you make your regular Profit First allocations, with a 1-2-1 session included so I can talk you though and help you move forward with your implementation. I also provide the option to book one-off sessions with me to troubleshoot and help you with the numbers in your business, these can be for 60 or 90 minutes long. This is helpful for those business owners that don't want to commit to a programme but know they need support.