Gena Cox: How Leadership Attracts and Retains Talent

Show Summary Live by the platinum rule of treating others as to how others want to be treated, which is one of the problems leaders, and business owners have. They often assume that others want to be treated the same as them. In this episode, Dr. Gena Cox shares why respect is the key to making an organization attractive to new talents. People want to be seen, heard, and valued. Respect is really the driver of employee engagement and satisfaction that is likely to cause employees in your organization to stay and to be an attractor to others who might consider the organization.
After a decades-long year career advising leaders in some of the largest companies in America and beyond, Dr. Gena Cox concluded that the pace of workplace inclusion change was unacceptably slow. She harnessed her organizational psychology and executive coach insights, her understanding of c-suite dynamics, and her personal workplace experiences to write a book, Leading Inclusion. Her book helps leaders connect unfamiliar dots to drive inclusion from the top of their organizations. Gena asks her clients to stop using 2019 behaviors to address 2022 employee expectations!
Website: LinkedIn: Free Resource: Excerpt from Gena’s book: Corporate Partner:

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