

Where Tax and CAS Meet

All the industry experts agree: implementing client advisory services (CAS) is critical to the ongoing growth and profitability of your firm. CAS not only adds revenue and profitability to your firm, but it is also a “sticky factor” that makes it difficult for your clients to compare you to your competition. Plus, with automation and … Continue reading… “Where Tax and CAS Meet”

Profit First? Ew.

A couple of weeks ago, the following email landed in our support inbox: “WOW…PROFITS FIRST? Really? Not ‘PEOPLE FIRST’? Really doesn’t say much about the corporate culture there.” And that got me to thinking: It’s time to write a blog about this particular elephant in the room. Profit and corporate greed We’ve all heard the … Continue reading… “Profit First? Ew.”

What’s In a Name?

You already provide advisory services to your clients. Cash flow management and forecasting are second nature to you. And, on top of that, you’ve read Profit First. So, why should you become a Certified Profit First Professional? Lessons from the pharmaceutical industry Tylenol. Benadryl. Claritin. These are well-known brand name drugs. So well-known, in fact, … Continue reading… “What’s In a Name?”