Aaron Walker: Eradication of Isolation

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We need success, but let’s not forget significance. Aaron has been on this two-decade journey in Mastermind with not only success but great significance pouring into the lives of other people. Aaron is on a very important mission to eradicate isolation. Going through this pandemic, really isolated everybody. But, even before that, we were alone. And so, he is trying to help us understand that we need to have trusted advisers. We need people in our corner to give us perspective, resources, and encouragement. Aaron is on a quest to help transform the lives of many people. So many entrepreneurs, both men, and women suffer in isolation. They have fears that hold them back because entrepreneurs are afraid to appear vulnerable and transparent to other people. They are terrified that they might be less knowledgeable in some areas. They don’t want to fail. In Mastermind, they encourage entrepreneurs that real strength begins at the intersection of vulnerability and transparency. When they get to this place, they can grow. Entrepreneurs yearn to be a part of a community, but they are afraid because of misguided thoughts of preservation. They want to fit in and belong, but they don’t know the next right step to take. Every comment we make in a public forum it’s to position ourselves. In status management, if we eradicate what other people think of us, we would be a lot better off positioning in a way that would help the person listening.     Aaron’s mission is to help men transform their lives. His leading core value, Relationships Matter Most, serves as the compass to uncover what they truly want in life and set their goals to achieve success and significance on their journey. Having served his community for more than 43 years as an entrepreneur of multiple businesses has taught him to have No Excuses, Make it Amazing, and Everything is Figureoutable. Two decades ago, Aaron had the opportunity to join a peer advisory group called a mastermind, where he received wise counsel from other competent leaders helping him maximize his potential. In 2013, Aaron was encouraged by his mastermind group to start the Iron Sharpens Iron Mastermind, a brotherhood of men focusing on developing the whole man – growing themselves, their businesses, relationships, and faith. Hundreds of men’s businesses and families have and continue to experience generational change. Aaron enjoys giving back through his own experiences in The Mastermind Playbook – a program for helping others develop and build their mastermind. In his book View From The Top. Aaron lives in Nashville, Tennessee, with his wife Robin of 42 years. He has two incredible daughters and five beautiful grandchildren.     LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aaronwalkerviewfromthetop/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/vftcoach Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AaronWalkerVFTT Google +: https://currents.google.com/+AaronWalkerVFTT/posts YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDkwb8Lma3iylfjjBDzsB2A Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/isimastermind/   Corporate Partner:

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