From Accounting to Consulting with Femke Hogema

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Show Summary

On this episode we talk with Femke Hogema. Regardless of the country you are in, you can transition from accounting into a consultative role. Femke Hogema explains how she’s done it and is now actually the number one provider of profit consulting services to entrepreneurs in the Netherlands.

Our Guest

Femke Hogema (Profit First Nederland) passionately believes that entrepreneurs can only build a successful business when it is a financially healthy business. She makes finance fun, practical and easy to understand and this is how she helps entrepreneurs get a grip on their finances. She is often asked on national radio and TV to discuss financial items because she is so clear and to the point. Her book Finance for Solopreneurs is a national bestseller.

Show Links

Websites: Facebook: Twitter: @femkehogema

Corporate Partners

Receipt-Bank – Software and service to make the gathering, storage & processing of bills, receipts and invoices as easy and as cost effective as possible for businesses. Nextiva – VOIP phone providers for small businesses. Fundbox –  the simplest and fastest way to fix your cash flow by advancing payments for your outstanding invoices. Right Networks – for forward-thinking CPA firms, accounting professionals, and SMBs who want to move to the cloud

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