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Show Summary

AJ Harper joins Mike Michalowicz, Chris Curran, and Ron Saharyan to discuss the importance of writing content for your clientele, and how to do it the right way. Welcome to Episode 13 of the Grow My Accounting Practice Podcast!

Our Guest 

AJ Harper

AJ Harper is an award-winning ghostwriter, editor and publishing consultant. She has helped hundreds of authors – from newbies to New York Times bestselling authors with millions of books sold—develop significant and loyal followings, grow their brand and secure lucrative deals for follow-up books. 

AJ works exclusively in the professional and personal development genre, and is part of the team behind several bestselling collaborative books, including Living Proof and Unbreakable Spirit, presented by Lisa Nichols, Fight for Your Dreams, presented by Les Brown, the “Succeeding” series, presented by Sandra Yancey and eWomen Network, and two books for New Peaks, formerly Peak Potentials.

Show Quotes 

It’s important to get your story out in the world.

People are always going to overwrite on any subject, and that’s OK. Write it out, cut it in half, and cut it in half again. Eventually you will get into the habit of focusing more on the main point.

We fall into the habit of thinking that some information is necessary when it’s not. Be clear about the one thing you want your clients or readers to focus on in that moment.

When it comes to writing blogs for social media… write 100 blogs before you even get started posting them. Then go back through the list, find the boring topics and dispose of them. We have a tendency to do what everyone else is doing, but that is actually the last thing you want to do. Find some other accountants or bookkeepers and see what they’re writing about. Then cross it off your list.

What’s your main message to your clientele? What do you value? Once you know that you can write around it. Break down the information into micro topics and release bits and pieces, but focus it all on one main theme. People will connect with you more when you do this.

Stories are important because they there’s a lesson in them. If you give someone a tip they might retain it… but if you give them a tip with a story they will always retain it. It gives them a visual in what you’re trying to get across and it will stick with them because they believe it. The story is proof of what your saying. If you’re giving examples of advice your using, anchor it with an anecdote. It doesn’t have to be a long story, just something true with visual and emotional details that the reader can picture in their mind… and therefore retain the information you’re giving them.

Everyone has stories to tell, it’s just a matter of finding a way to tell it. People aren’t always aware of all the stories they are already telling people. If what’s happening is a perfect example of a message that you’re trying to get across, write it down! Share it with your clients!

If you have a strategy, skill, or something you want to expand on, ask yourself “how did I know that? What has happened that proves this works?” The story is in the answer.

Send a newsletter when you have something to say, not because it’s that time of the month.

Outsourcing can be tough because there are so many people out there. You have to be willing to interview your way through these writers and find someone who can easily embrace your persona and your voice. Collaborate with them to make sure they really understand the outcome you are looking for. Once you’ve found this person, you can either send them rough drafts and have them put the bells and whistles on it, or let them write for you and tweak it to make sure it’s still your own before you publish it. You can start looking for these writiesr on,,  Media Bistro, etc.

The Psychology of the sale

There are four common pain points that most business owners face. The number one pain point is not enough sales for the business to grow. The belief is that the more you sell, the more customers you’re going to get – which will bring you to financial freedom. Business owners often ask their accountants “how do I grow my business?” and the common answer is “sell, sell, sell!” This may not be the right answer! As a trusted adviser you want to suggest additional fixes such as finding a niche focus… can you become an expert in a specific field? How about product – profit analysis… are there some products that aren’t profiting the way you thought they would? There’s also external innovation… is there a way to get your products to the market faster?

You can apply these same fixes to YOUR pain in your business, then implement it in your clients business.

GMAP Now Task

One of the most impactful changes you can have in your company is finding the clarity of what you stand for. Think about this and WRITE IT DOWN. What resonates with you? Take action to figure it out.

Show Links

Although AJ does not ghost write anymore, she is happy to consult with you and answer your questions! Email her at:

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