
Finding Your Confidence with Lynn Mattice

this episode we talk with Lynn Mattice. One of the big challenges that accountants and bookkeepers face, often do to their introversion, is the being confident in themselves.  Lynn walks...

How to Grow Your Accounting Practice in a Rural Area with Dr. Sabrina Starling

This week, Dr. Sabrina Starling discusses how you recruit talent when owning a rural business and provides a step by step strategy. You have to find "A Players" (there's usually only...

How You Can Use Artificial Intelligence with Stan Mork

The President of the Information Technology Alliance, Stan Mork, joins us today on Grow My Accounting Practice. He shares what's going on with artificial intelligence, robotic processing automation, and other...

The Future of Cloud Accounting with Todd Robinson

this episode we talk with Todd Robinson. We explore the future of cloud accounting.  Todd is with Sage and explains how they've integrated with other platforms to make the accounting...

Finding Your Confidence with Lynn Mattice

this episode we talk with Lynn Mattice. One of the big challenges that accountants and bookkeepers face, often do to their introversion, is the being confident in themselves.  Lynn walks...